Celebrating Spring: Happy Nowruz to All!

Created04.03.2024, 09.00
Updated26.03.2024, 17.36

Nowruz or Nevruz is a 3000-year-old festival. It is celebrated on March 21 each year in various ways by many countries. Nowruz’s meaning is "new day", “first day of spring”, or "first day of the year" in Persian.

March 21The sun turns toward the northern hemisphere on March 21, the day when day and night are equal. The weather warms up, snow melts, trees bloom, soil turns green, and migratory birds return to their nests. As a result, March 21 is accepted as the day of awakening, rebirth, and creation for all beings, and is celebrated as the New Day Festival.

The UN formally recognized March 21 as "International Nowruz Day" in 2010 at the request of Türkiye, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Albania, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan. The Nowruz celebration is honored with many ceremonies throughout Central Asia, Anatolia, and the Balkans.

A Brief History of Nowruz

It is believed that the word Nowruz first appeared in the Persian Empire. Iranians celebrate Nowruz in remembrance of the mythical King Jamshid, who delivered the country from the harsh winter that affected all life badly.

The Nevruz culture of the Turks is believed to have originated with the Göktürks and was initially referenced in the Epic of Ergenekon. According to the epic, the Turks melted the mountain to escape their 400-year home in a valley encircled by steep-sided mountains. Because March 21 falls on the same day that they left the mountain, it is thought that Nevruz is celebrated on this day.

Its origin stories vary greatly because it has been celebrated in many countries. What they all have in common is a celebration of springtime and rebirth.

The names are also different yet equivalent. It is called Novruz in Azerbaijan, Nooruz in Kyrgyzstan, Nawrız in Kazakhstan, March 9th in Northern Cyprus, and Sultan Nevruz in Albania. In some cultures, it is regarded as New Year's Eve.

How is Nowruz Celebrated?

In the past, Nowruz was recognized as a national holiday in Anatolia and was celebrated by events and poems known as Nevruziye. The preparation of the paste candy known as Nevruziye is a custom that dates back to the Ottoman Empire. Manisa still hosts mesir paste candy festivals on March 21.

 NowruzIn some regions, Nowruz is celebrated by wearing colorful clothes, lighting a fire, dancing around it, or jumping over it. Fire is a symbol of spiritual purification. Taking a bath or diving into the water are also two other purification traditions. Fire and water is a common motif in all Nowruz ceremonies.

In Iranian Nowruz, when the entire family gets together, there must be seven pieces of food on the table, each with a distinct symbolic value. Each piece, including the wheat harvest, nuts, vinegar, and aromatic herbs, has a symbolic meaning that relates to the new year and represents hopes for prosperity, health, and happiness.

For example, the Persian word "sir," which means "garlic," denotes protection from illness and evil, whereas the word "serkeh," which means vinegar, denotes patience and long life. Additionally, eggs are dyed to decorate the table.

We wish you a happy Nowruz!

TEKCE Real Estate wishes you a happy Nowruz! May every day bring success, happiness, health, and prosperity to you and your loved ones.


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