Non-Lucrative Visa in Spain: All You Need to Know in 2024

Created23.05.2024, 13.40
Updated28.05.2024, 10.52

If you are looking for ways of living in Spain, the Non-Lucrative Visa (Spanish Passive Visa) is an amazing option. It is simple to obtain and brings numerous advantages to its holder. What’s more, the Non-Lucrative Visa can serve as a pathway to get Spanish citizenship.

Best of all, the Non-Lucrative Visa does not require any investment in government funds or real estate. This makes it an attractive alternative to the Golden Visa in Spain, which will no longer be available soon.

Let’s explore the benefits of this program and learn how to get a Non-Lucrative Visa for Spain.

Benefits of the Non-Lucrative Visa in Spain

Spain’s Non-Lucrative Visa Requirements

All non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens can apply for a Non-Lucrative Visa. Applicants must hold enough financial resources to live in Spain without working. So, you need to prove that your income exceeds 400% of the IPREM (Public Indicator of Multiple Effects Income). A 100% applies for any additional family member who applies.

In 2024, the minimum income is around €2,400 per month and €28,800 per year. For each family member, an additional €600 per month or €7.200 per year applies. If you have a passive income/savings account under your name, you need to prove that €60.000 is available there.

How To Apply for a Non-Lucrative Visa for Spain?

How To Apply for a Non-Lucrative Visa for Spain?First of all, you need to collect the documents below:

Once you have these documents ready, visit a Spanish consular office (outside of Spain) and apply for a Non-Lucrative Visa in Spain. There, you will fill in the national visa application form and the non-lucrative residence visa application form.

The cost of the Non Lucrative-Visa in Spain depends on the nationality of the applicant. In most countries, the visa costs €80. This cost is €123 for US citizens and €507 for Canadian citizens.

Your confirmation will arrive in 1-3 months. After you receive it, you have to claim your visa and enter Spain in 90 days. Otherwise, you will lose your rights. In your first month, you must obtain an NIE Number in Spain from a police station or Spanish Embassy. This serves as the foreigner identity card.

How Long is The Spanish Non-Lucrative Visa Valid?

The visa itself is valid for 3 months. During this time, you need to apply for the Non-Lucrative Residence Permit, which increases your stay to 1 year. If you want to extend your stay in Spain further, you can apply for a 2-year renewal (for 2 times).

After living in the country for 5 years, you can change your Spain Non-Lucrative Visa to a permanent residency card. After spending 5 more years, you will have been a resident in Spain for 10 years. So, you will be eligible to apply for Spanish citizenship.

Can I Work in Spain with a Non-Lucrative Visa?

Can I Work in Spain with a Non-Lucrative Visa?No. The program targets individuals with a stable income and/or savings who do not need to work. So, it doesn't bring a work permit. Therefore, the visa is most popular among retirees.

With your Non-Lucrative Visa, you won’t be able to work with a company inside or outside of Spain. Remote work with Spain’s Non-Lucrative Visa is not possible either.

Yet, if you want to work, you can pursue it. For this, you need to wait until the end of your first year. Then, change your application and choose a work visa instead of a non-lucrative visa.

Can I Buy a Home in Spain with a Non-Lucrative Visa?

Of course! Just because you don’t have to buy a property to get a visa, that doesn’t mean that you cannot be a homeowner. So, you can still buy real estate in Spain, and even benefit from its rental yield and ROI.

Tips for a Successful Application for Spain’s Non-Lucrative Visa

Applying to the program is a simple process. The most important thing is meeting the application criteria and preparing the documentation correctly. So, a valuable tip for a successful application is to work with legal experts.

TEKCE Visa, a legal consultancy company under TEKCE Real Estate, provides comprehensive services. If you are planning to apply for Spain’s residential visa, their insights and guidance will be beneficial. What's more, if you are thinking of becoming a homeowner, our real estate experts will guide you through all about buying property in Spain.

Are you ready to claim your dream life within a peaceful Spanish ambiance? Call us now, and explore each one of the attractive possibilities!


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